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Barua pepe

ni kitambaa ngapi kwa mto 18x18

Step no. 1 — How to Determine the Size of Your Pillow So your pillow is 18 in x 18 in – aka SQUARE! Measure the size of fabric you need for it before cutting, using ruler or measuring tape. If you cut too narrowly, than will be the end of it and that's going to suck.

Select the Proper Fabric Fabric always means variety, suvh as for example, cotton, shiffon, and velvet of many kinds. That includes what it feels like to the touch, so chose your fabric accordingly. You should use a fabric that you enjoy to feel and one that is thick enough for the body of your pillow. They provide both softer materials or more sturdy ones.

Measuring Fabric for an 18x18 Pillow

Buy a little extra fabric. So go ahead and buy a bit extra than you think is required. Why? Because, sometimes we all make sewing mistakes. You will have a little to spare for any errors too, that way if you mess up and need more fabric YOU CAN FIX IT! It is always better to be safe than sorry!

Check the fabric width. Fabrics are available in various widths, ranging from 45 inches to 54+ inches, and that when you go shopping. Note: Be sure to choose a width appropriate for the size of your pillow. This will ensure that you have the appropriate amount of fabric to wrap around your pillow in order for it not be seen.

Kwa nini uchague Meiyi ni kitambaa ngapi cha mto 18x18?

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